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panic buying中文是什么意思

用"panic buying"造句"panic buying"怎么读"panic buying" in a sentence


  • 恐慌性买入
  • 恐慌性抢购
  • 抢购


  • Panic buying has been crucial to opec success .
  • Rapid inflation and major shortages caused by panic buying
  • In panic buying monday and tuesday , customers stripped supermarkets and stores of bottled water and other beverages
  • The fear of sudden natural disaster caused hyperinflation to occur in certain food markets because of panic buying by the public
  • What we have witnessed is a an acute shortfall in global supply , very strong demand , particularly from the phosphate sector , some panic buying in places , all coupled with teh ability by some buyers to absorb higher sulphur prices
  • The work lay a fundation to understand individual panic . a kind of the individual panic perception model based logit modelling is proposed , which is tested by sars event . the results showed that the individual panic is only related to some main factors for given event in spite of many other factors , and these main factor can be estimated in advance by risk types estimation . a kind of individual risk perception model influnenced by information is proposed , which is to study information effects on individual risk perception and demonstrated by panic buying in sars event . the rsults show that individual panic and overreaction under crisis is related to people ’ s mental anticipation directly , and the anticipation may result in people ’ s overreaction by private information , and the effect of pulic information lies on consistency between private information and public information , and people ’ s confidence to government .
用"panic buying"造句  


Panic buying is an imprecise common use term to describe the act of people buying unusually large amounts of a product in anticipation of or after a disaster or perceived disaster, or in anticipation of a large price increase or shortage, as can occur before a blizzard or hurricane or government decree banning a particular popular product such as incandescent light bulbs. These goods are bought in large amounts to offset a potential shortage or as an act of safety.
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